Wanyama, JObare, GideonOwuor, GeorgeWasilwa, Lusike2024-06-212015-07-16Masinde, W. J., Obare, G. A., Owuor, G., & Wasilwa, L. (2015). Determinants of intensity of market participation among banana traders in western Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(29), 2804-2813.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283870268https://repository.nrf.go.ke/handle/123456789/927Traders both wholesaler and retailers play a significant role in banana markets. In Kenya the banana market is not fully developed. This demands targeted studies to assess their performance. This study aims at examining banana traders' intensity of participation in the markets and constraining factors. A survey was conducted in 2013 in four counties. One hundred and ninety traders were randomly selected using multi-stage sampling technique. Data were collected on personal, market parameters, and institutional factors. Descriptive statistics and Tobit model were utilized in the analysis. The results showed that traders received market information from multiple sources probable to check on the reliability and accuracy. The results of the Tobit regression showed that the age and sex of traders distance to markets, type of banana and information sources significantly influence the volume of banana fruits handled by traders. Therefore based on the study findings, some of the suggested policy recommendations include; the need to foster development of banana infrastructures and also efforts should be geared towards improving market information sources among traders.enBanana TradersMarket ParticipationTobit ModelKenyaDeterminants of intensity of market participation among banana traders in western KenyaArticle