Konana, CharityGachene, CharlesMburu, DavidMureithi, StephenGicheru, PatrickKhalif, Zeinabu2024-01-232024-01-232017-04http:// erosion is a serious issue in Arid and Semi-Arid lands and affects community livelihoods and soil conservation efforts. The objective of this paper is to assess drivers of gully in Narok County, Kenya. The driving forces of soil erosion can lead to gradual loss of the adaptive capacity of the soil and its ecosystem.Agricultural intensity without soil conservation measures is linked to greater water erosion. Overgrazing is one of the main drivers of gully erosion in rangelands. Global warming puts more regions at high risk of gully erosion in the future. The projected scenario (2030) showed an increase in the area under shrubland, cropland and close natural forest and a decrease in grasslands and open natural forest in Narok County. This indicates overgrazing and deforestation will reduce vegetative cover resulting in increased runoff in the County.Further research in land use changes such as change in scale and intensity needs to be done particularly in the arid and semi- arid areas. More soil erosion studies that take into account socioeconomic factors are required. Projected land use and land cover change and climate scenarios are also needed particularly in relation to gully erosion.enMaasai Mara UniversityDRIVERS OF GULLY EROSION: CASE STUDY, NAROK COUNTY, KENYAArticle