Mutungi ChristopherLamuka PeterArimi SamuelGathumbi JamesOnyango Calvin2024-07-102008-07Mutungi, C., Lamuka, P., Arimi, S., Gathumbi, J., & Onyango, C. (2008). The fate of aflatoxins during processing of maize into muthokoi–A traditional Kenyan food. Food Control, 19(7), 714-721.,processing%20and%20preparation%20of%20muthokoi. effect of processing muthokoi, (a traditional dehulled maize dish in Kenya) on aflatoxin content of naturally contaminated maize was investigated. Dehulling decreased aflatoxin levels by 46.6% (5.5-70%) in maize samples containing 10.7-270 ngjg aflatoxin levels. Soaking muthokoi in 0.2%, 0.5% and 1.0% solutions iati, sodium hypochlorite or ammonium persulphate for 6 or 14 h further decreased aflatoxin contents by 28-72% in maize samples containing 107-363 ng/g aflatoxin levels, and boiling muthokoi at 98°C for 150 min in 0.2-1.0% w/v iati decreased aflatoxin contents by 80-93% in samples having 101 ng/g aflatoxin contamination. Findings imply that expo¬sure to acute aflatoxin levels in maize is minimised during processing and preparation of muthokoi.enAfiatoxinsmaizemuthokoi - A traditionalKenyan foodThe Fate of Afiatoxins During Processing of Maize into Muthokoi - A Traditional Kenyan FoodArticle