Ngari, MwanikiWanjau, TabithaNjeru, Sospeter2024-01-262024-01-262013-08Ngari, Mwaniki & Wanjau, Tabitha & Njeru, Sospeter. (2013). Analysis of Constituent Chemicals and their Effects on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Spring Water in Ngariama location Gichugu Division Kirinyaga County of Kenya. 2. 52-60. Ground water, Gichugu division has numerous springs, which are a manifestation of potentially high volumes of groundwater. This water is characteristically different from river water in terms of physical parameters like fizzling, characteristic taste and clarity chemistry was studied to explain the above differences. The study established that groundwater in Gichugu area is slightly a (pH 6.49), moderately hard (123.99 mg/l CaCO Cl-). These salts and the pH explained the taste of the water. Also, NaCl and other ionic compounds accounted for the relatively higher conductivity (4.700 Ec µS/cm) while such ions as Ca The percolation of this water through the surface soils of recharge areas generally results in significant purification hence clarity. Fizzling was as a result of dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen as they escaped. It was also established that a common groundwater aquifer underlies the area. Iron (0.426 mg/1) and manganese (0.322 mg/1) were found in excess of WHO recommended limits (0.3 mg/1 and 0.1 mg/1 respectively) for potable water quality while fluoride was in relatively low amounts (0.642 mg/1). However, their levels in this water do not make this water unsuitable for drinking since they are still within the acceptable tolerance levels.enEgerton UniversityAnalysis of Constituent Chemicals and their Effects on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Spring Water in Ngariama location Gichugu Division Kirinyaga County of KenyaArticle