Kandagor, Daniel2024-01-302024-01-302021-06Kandagor, Daniel. (2021). Influence of Council of Elders on Rural Land Tenure Dispute Resolution in Pokot Central Sub-County.https://www.ijarke.com/ihssj-vol-1-issue-1https://repository.nrf.go.ke/handle/123456789/425The study sought to establish the influence of Council of elders on rural land tenure dispute resolution in Pokot Central Sub County.The study applied concurrent triangulation design since it is single-phase design in which researcher implemented thequantitative and qualitative methods during the same timeframe and with equal weight. The study was carried out in Pokotcentral Sub-County, West Pokot County.The target population for this study comprised of 150 Household heads, 20 chiefs andassistant chiefs and 5 land officers. The sample size was calculated by use of Yamane formula which gave a sample size of 83respondents. The questionnaires and interview schedule were the main instruments for data collection. The data were analyzedusing descriptive statistics while the data from interview schedule were summarized based on themes. The council of elderswas found to be successful in solving land disputes in Pokot central sub County. The study recommended that the capacity ofthe council of elders be enhanced through trainings to equip the with the government policy requirements so thatenKisii UniversityInfluence of Council of Elders on Rural Land Tenure Dispute Resolution in Pokot Central Sub-CountyArticle