Mbae Kenneth M.Ndwiga Mercy K.Kiruki Fredrick G.2024-07-052018-05Mbae, K. M., Ndwiga, M. K., & Kiruki, F. G. (2018). Microbiological quality of kachumbari, a raw vegetable salad popularly served alongside roast meat in Kenya. Journal of Food Quality, 2018(1), 8539029. salads are regularly implicated in food-borne disease outbreaks globally. Consumption of kachumbari, a raw vegetable salad, alongside roast meat is widespread in Kenya. &e aim of this study was to evaluate the bacteriological quality of kachumbari samples (n � 39) collected from a cross section of roasted meat eateries in Kenya. &e United Kingdom’s Health Protection Agency guidelines were used to infer safety of the salads due to lack of local criteria for microbiological safety of ready-to-eat fresh produce placed in the market. Based on Escherichia coli counts, 14 (35.9%) of the samples were of satisfactory microbial quality (102CFU/g). All samples examined for staphylococci had counts falling within the borderline range (20–104CFU/g). Collectively, 3 (7.7%) of the sampled salads were classified as potentially harmful to health and/or unfit for human consumption due to the presumptive presence of 2 (5.1%) Campylobacter spp. and 1 (2.6%) E. coli O157. Salmonella was not detected in any of the samples. &e presence of hygiene indicator microorganisms and pathogens demonstrates that kachumbari salads present a public health risk.enMicrobiological qualityraw vegetable saladroast meatKenyaMicrobiological Quality of Kachumbari, a Raw Vegetable Salad Popularly Served alongside Roast Meat in KenyaArticle