Mungai, FredrickKairo, JamesMironga, JohnKirui, BernardMangora, MwitaKoedam, Nico2024-03-122024-03-122019-05-20Fredrick Mungai, James Kairo, John Mironga, Bernard Kirui, Mwita Mangora & Nico Koedam (2019) Mangrove cover and cover change analysis in the transboundary area of Kenya and Tanzania during 1986–2016, Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, 15:2, 157-176, DOI: 10.1080/19480881.2019.1613868 forests are among the most threatened ecosystems on earth. Some of these forests traverse national boundaries complicating their management due to differences in governance structures between countries. To improve the management of transboundary species regular monitoring is essential. Remotely sensed data were used to estimate forest cover and analyze conditions of mangroves in the proposed transboundary conservation area (TBCA) between Kenya and Tanzania. Image analysis was performed using unsupervised and supervised classification methods. The transboundary mangroves cover an estimated 11,906 ha; 55% being in Kenya, 45% in Tanzania. Ceriops tagal, Avicennia marina, and Rhizophora mucronata species co-dominate the mangroves of the transboundary area. The hotspot for loss and degradation of mangrove in the TBCA is Vanga in Kenya with a loss of 27 ha/yr. Harvesting of mangrove wood products have contributed to the loss of mangroves in the transboundary area. TBCA formation could play a critical role in ensuring sustainable mangrove resources utilization.enKenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)Mangrove cover and cover change analysis in the transboundary area of Kenya and Tanzania during 1986–2016Article