Kwena KizitoMogaka HezronOnyando JaphethKaburu FabianSijali IsayaOnsongo Susan2024-07-042022 study seeks to increase agricultural productivity and resilience of farmers in Machakos, Baringo, Kajiado and Taita Taveta Counties by validating gender responsive climate smart water harvesting technologies, innovations and management practices, and strengthening innovation and knowledge exchange systems to increase access to information on the best fit climate-smart water harvesting technologies, innovations and management practices. The project will be implemented for two years at an estimated cost of 22 million Kenya shillings. About 10,000 farmers are expected to benefit directly from the project, with a spillover effect of up to 100,000 farmers. The World Bank through the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program (KCSAP) is supporting the researchenSustainable AgricultureKALROValidating Climate Smart Water Harvesting Technologies to Increase Food and Nutrition Security in Semi-arid Kenya ProjectArticle