Publication: Seed Quality and Variety Preferences Amongst Potato Farmers in North-Western Kenya: Lessons for the Adoption of New Varieties
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Teagasc–Walsh Scholarship scheme
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Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important commercialised food crop in Kenya.
Recently, Kenya has realised a huge increase in the number of formally released
potato varieties. The performance of these varieties is not clear and their adoption across various growing environments is low. This study explored how availability, access, quality and systems of seed and storability and market demand of
potatoes infuence farmers’ decisions on choice of varieties they grow and how they
select seed for planting in the diferent seasons. Focus group discussions (83 farmers) and a household survey (225 farmers) were conducted in three major potato
growing areas (Lelan, Saboti and Kaptama) in north-western Kenya. Results showed
that farmers mainly used farm-saved seed and only 4.9% had used certifed seed,
while 71% indicated that certifed seed was not available locally. Almost all farmers
ensured they used healthy seed by visually examining the seed tubers while most
farmers also examined the health of the crop in the feld before harvest. Farmers
renewed their seed depending on the number of cycles used, infection, decline in
yield and availability of clean seed. Seed was usually renewed for up to after 5 years
of recycling, and generally involved the varieties Shangi, Kabale and Arka. Farmers ranked fve variety traits: tuber yield, disease resistance, market demand, early
maturity and storability as most important in the choice of a variety. Farmers understood the importance of dormancy and had methods for managing dormancy, but
their knowledge was biased to the few varieties they had, particularly Shangi, the
predominant variety in the market. Despite agronomic attributes, market demand
featured as a primary determinant of variety choice amongst farmers. The fndings
from this paper can guide use of seed, adoption of new varieties and future breeding
of potato varieties for Kenya.
Seed health, Certifed seed, Variety choice, Dormancy, Market demand, Solanum tuberosum(Potato)