Electron Impact Elastic Scattering of Strontium Using Distorted Wave Method
dc.description.abstractDifferential and integral cross sections for electron-atom are useful for interpretation and understanding of electron contact with the targets and for determining dynamics of the collision processes. They are useful in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), upper atmosphere dynamics, Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS), Auger-electron spectroscopy (AES), in gaseous-exchange, laser development, plasma physics and fluorescent lighting. For elastic scattering of strontium very few calculations have been performed and currently there are no known results using the present method. Also the available theoretical results do not have other results to be compared with so it makes it important to obtain results to compare them and to be compared with future experimental results. In calculation of differential and integral cross section for elastic scattering of electron by strontium atom, first-order distorted wave born approximation method has been used to determine DCS and ICS at impact energies of 10eV to 200eV and scattering angles ranging from 00 to 1800. Also in this study at the initial state, both initial and final channel distortion potential of elastic scattering of electron by a strontium atom are taken as the static potentials since it is an elastic scattering. The distorted waves are expanded in terms of radial wavefunctions and spherical harmonics, Numerov method was then used to solve the radial equations to obtain the radial wavefunctions. The Madison and Bartschat computer program DWBA1 for e- - H scattering was modified to perform the mathematical computations for e - - Sr scattering and the results for differential and integral cross sections are calculated and compared with the available results. The integral cross sections (ICS) results agree well qualitatively with the other theoretical results. At lower incident energies (10-30 eV), the present differential cross section (DCS) results disagree with results obtained from optical potential method. This is because the first order distorted wave method gives poor results at low impact energies and also the nature of the distortion potential used. At intermediate and higher energies (60-200 eV), the present DCS results agree well with the results obtained from optical potential method. In conclusion, the DWBA was developed and applied to 𝑒− - Sr scattering, changes on the DWBA1 computer program were made for strontium, differential cross section (DCS) and integral cross section (ICS) at impact energies 10-200eV for elastic scattering of electron-strontium were determined using DWBA at intermediate and high energies and the results compared with the other available results. From this work it was recommended that some experimental studies on electron impact elastic scattering of strontium should be made to give results for comparison with the calculated results, more theoretical studies using other methods should be conducted on DCS and ICS for purposes of comparison with the present results, a distortion potential that incorporates the polarization potential, exchange potential and absorption potential should be used in the calculation and the present method incorporating all the distortion potentials should be extended further for electron impact elastic scattering of other alkaline earth metals such as beryllium, cesium, ytterbium, and radium.
dc.description.sponsorshipKenyatta University
dc.publisherKenyatta University
dc.subjectKenyatta University
dc.titleElectron Impact Elastic Scattering of Strontium Using Distorted Wave Method


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