E-Ordering and E-Informing on Supply Chain Performance in Retail Marketing Outlets in Kenya

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Chepkwony, J. K., & Lagat, C. (2016). E-Ordering and E-Informing on Supply Chain Performance in Retail Marketing Outlets in Kenya. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research.


The study purpose is to determine the effect of E-ordering and E-informing on supply chain performance. The study was informed Innovation Diffusion Theory. Explanatory research design was employed in this study. Targeted population was 244 procurement officers from 112 Kenyan Retail outlets. Multiple regression model findings showed that e-ordering and e-informing had a positive and significant effect on supply chain performance. The study concludes that e-ordering and e-informing which are elements of e-procurement dimensions increases supply chain performance. There is therefore need for firms to make use of e-ordering and e-informing in the procurement process. There is also need to electronically consult references for product/service quality so as to heighten supply chain performance



E-procurement, E –odering, E-infoirming, Supply Chain Performance, Retail Marketing Outlets


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