Effects of Energy Intensification of Pressure-Swing Distillation on Energy Consumption and Controllability

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Hungarian Scientific Research


ACS omega

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Mtogo, J., Toth, A. J., Fozer, D., Mizsey, P., & Szanyi, A. (2022). Effects of Energy Intensification of Pressure-Swing Distillation on Energy Consumption and Controllability. ACS Omega.


, The aim of processintegration is the efficient use of energy andnatural resources. However, process integration can result in a moreprecise process operation, that is, it influences controllability.Pressure-swing distillation processes are designed for the separationof azeotropic mixtures, but their inherent heat integration optioncan be utilized to significantly reduce their energy consumption.One maximum-boiling and three minimum-boiling azeotropes are consideredto study and compare the nonintegrated and integrated alternativeswith the tool of mathematical modeling where ASPEN Plus and MATLABsoftware are used. The results show that the heat-integrated alternativesresult in 32–45% energy savings that are proportional to theemission reduction and the consumption of natural resources. As faras the operability is concerned, the heat-integrated alternativesshow worse controllability features than the nonintegrated base case.This can be due to the loss of one controllability degree of freedom.This recommends using more sophisticated control structures for thesake of safe operation if process integration is applied.



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