Publication: Quality of Porridge from Sub-Saharan Africa Evaluated Using Instrumental Techniques and Descriptive Sensory Lexicon - Part 1: Thick (Stiff) Porridge
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Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI)
African Journal of Food Science
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The sensory attributes of thick porridges made from different composite flours in neutral, citric
acid or sodium bicarbonate media was identified using instrumental methods and modified
quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that composite flours with high cassava
concentrations had lower pasting temperatures but higher peak, breakdown, final and setback
viscosities than the cerealrich flours. The onset pasting temperatures of alkali-treated slurries
were higher (p < 0.05) than for the neutral- or acid-treated slurries. Acid-treated slurries had
higher (p < 0.05) peak viscosities than neutralor alkali-treated slurries. Acid-treated slurries had
higher (p < 0.05) breakdown viscosities as compared to the neutral slurries. The toughness and
work of shear of thick porridge ranged between 0.21 - 0.58 kg and 0.83 - 5.95 kg·mm,
respectively. Thick porridge cooked in alkaline media was significantly darker (p < 0.05) than
that made in neutral or acid media. Principal component analysis identified four major principal
components (PCs) that accounted for 87.6% of the total variance in the sensory attribute data.
The principal component scores indicated that the location of each porridge along each of the
four scales corresponded with attributes associated with sodium bicarbonate aroma and taste
(PC1); cassava aroma and hardness (PC2); colour of thick porridge (PC3); and finger
millet/sorghum aroma (PC4). Thick porridges targeting specific consumer groups in sub-Saharan
Africa can be developed by appropriate choice of flours and pH thereby forming the basis for
commercial production of thick porridges for different population categories in sub-Saharan
Africa with diverse sensory expectations of the product.
Colour, texture, thick porridge, quantitative descriptive analysis.