Factors influencing farmers’ access to the market on food produced on urban and peri-urbanareas of Kericho County, Kenya

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Journal of agriculture and veterinary science

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Rotich, R. K., Kibett, J., & Kere, G. M. (2021). Factors influencing farmers’ access to the market on food produced on urban and peri-urbanareas of Kericho County, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science.


Many households are consistently turning to Urban and Peri-urban food production for consumption andcommercial purposes. However, there is limited research, if any, that has been conducted to explore theinfluence of farmers’ access to the market on the food produced in this areas. A descriptive research design wasused in this study that examined factors influencing farmers access to the market on the food produced on urbanand peri-urban areas of Kericho County of kenya. The targeted population was a total of 3487 Urban and periurban agriculturalists in Kericho County. A sample of 341 Urban and peri-urban agriculturalists was sampledusing stratified random sampling and simple random sampling methods. Data was collected using a structuredand unstructured feedback form. Data werethen analysed using frequencies and proportion while hypotheseswere confirmed using Chi-square at 0.05 alpha level. Descriptive and inferential statistics were calculatedusing SPSS Software Version 21.0. The study concluded that access to market directly correlate with householdfood security in Kericho County.The study also recommends that farmers should be educated on the need toaccess the markets directly within their locations. It further recommends that the county government ofKerichoshould establish a good market network for farmers by identifying markets for local production. Finally,comparative research studies should be conducted among different counties in Kenya to find out on how urbanand peri-urban farmers are accessing market for their produce. This is because the present study concentratedonly on towns within Kericho County.



Households, Farmers, market access, Urban and peri-urban, Kericho County

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