Publication: Supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on legume use in East Africa - The LegumeCHOICE approach
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German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
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East African farming systems are diverse but are generally characterized by mixed crop-
livestock production with a mix of cereals, roots, legumes, livestock and tree crops. Legumes
offer many livelihood and natural resource management benefits but are generally
underutilized in smallholder systems especially in the case of tree and forage legumes.
Through a research for development project called LegumeCHOICE we developed a
classification of multipurpose legumes and defined the various farm functions that each class
and species fulfilled using an expert scoring system. We went on to develop a simple decision
support tool based on this work to help decision makers prioritize different legume types to
meet expressed needs of smallholders in East Africa when considering legume interventions.
crop-livestock, crops, feeds, legumes, research