Publication: Yield stability of stem borer resistant maize hybrids evaluated in regional trials in East Africa
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Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
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Twenty-seven stem borer-resistant maize hybrids and three checks were evaluated in 14 locations in
Kenya and Ethiopia to study the genotype x environment interaction (GEI) and yield stability. An
analysis of variance was conducted for grain yield, number of days to silking, plant height, ear height
and grain moisture content, and reaction to turcicum leaf blight, gray leaf spot, maize streak virus
diseases and common rust. The yield stability and adaptation pattern of genotypes were examined with
genotype plus genotype x environment (GGE) interaction biplot. Variations due to location, genotype
and GEI effects were highly significant for all traits. Location variance among the hybrids was the most
important source of variation for all traits, accounting for 58 to 90% of the total variance. The genotypic
variance was higher than the GEI variance for turcicum leaf blight, plant height and silking date. The
GEI variance was higher than the genotypic variance for grain yield, ear height, gray leaf spot, common
rust and grain moisture content. The GGE biplot showed that 50% of the entries had positive PC1
scores suggesting above average performance, and 50% of them had negative PC1 scores indicating
below average performance. Based on the mean grain yield and stability parameters, hybrid CKIR07003
(5.5 t/ha), CKIR07004 (5.5 t/ha) and CKIR07005 (5.6 t /ha) were identified as high-yielding and stable
genotypes, and could be nominated for national performance trials for commercial release in various
G x E interaction, genotype plus genotype x environment (GGE) biplot, stem borer resistance, yield stability.