Publication: Effects of Concentrate Supplementation on Lactating Dromedary Camels During Mating Season in Isiolo, Kenya
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African journal of science technology and social science
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Camels are resilient and have a high potential to contribute to food security and
economic development in arid areas. However, this potential is being limited by
diminishing feed resources due to the effects of climate change. Further, there is an
upcoming peri-urban camel production system where the animals are limited in their
movement. Consequently, camels do not get enough browse forages in terms of
biomass and quality to meet their nutritional requirement. This has resulted in
decreased production and reproductive performance. The objective of this study was
to determine the effect of concentrate supplementation on lactating camels on
productive and reproductive performance during mating season. A diet containing
16.80% crude protein (CP) and a digestible energy of 8.44 MJ/Kg was formulated and
supplemented in the evenings with a group of ten camels. Another group of 10
camels acted as the control. Milking was done in the morning and production from
each camel was recorded in liters. Percentage milk fat and protein analysis were done
weekly using Gerber and Kjeldahl methods respectively. Serum biochemical levels
were determined using spectrophotometry in the fourth week. Confirmation of
pregnancy was done on the 5th month after mating by chemiluminescent progesterone
assay. Camels were then divided into four groups. These were, supplemented
pregnant(4) supplemented and not pregnant(6) un-supplemented pregnant(1), and un- supplemented and not pregnant(9). Paired mean comparisons were done to ascertain
differences within the four groups. Mean daily milk production was 25.26±0.42 and
22.79±0.41 liters for supplemented and un-supplemented groups respectively
(p<0.001). Paired mean differences were highest between pregnant supplemented and
pregnant un-supplemented pair (p=0.165). Biochemical profiles, mean milk protein
and fat percentages were significantly higher for supplemented than un-supplemented
(p˂0.05). All supplemented camels were mated within the first two weeks and had a
higher conception rate (40%) than un-supplemented (10%). The study recommends
concentrate supplementation during mating season to improve fertility and milk
production, especially in pregnant
Concentrate supplementation, Milk Production, Progresterone levels, Reproductive performance, Milk protein, Milk fat, Serum biochemical profile