Efficacy of the Devolved System of Governance in Management of Land Use Conflicts in West Pokot County, Kenya

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Mung’ale, A. N., Matanga, F. K., & Were, E. (2021). Efficacy of the Devolved System of Governance in Management of Land Use Conflicts in West Pokot County, Kenya. Scientific Research.


The devolved system of governance radically transformed structures and institutions of governance in Kenya. The system of governance is designed as a unitary state with the national government and 47 county governments. It establishes shared governance at national level and self-governance at county level. The system of governance transformed the administration and management of land use in Kenya. The Ministry of Land and Physical Planning, the county government and the National Land Commission have powers and authority to perform functions that improve administration and management of land use. The cooperation of the Ministry of Land, the county governments and the National Land Commission in administration and management of land is held, used and managed in a manner that is equitable, efficient, productive and sustainable. Despite the establishment of the devolved system of governance, West Pokot County has continued to experience intractable and protracted land use conflicts in low lands of Chesegon, Sigor, Alale, Cheptulel, Kacheliba, Chepkopegh and Kanyarkwat as well as highlands of Chepararia, Lelan and Kapenguria. The study sought to assess the efficacy of the institutions of the devolved system of governance in the management of land use conflict in West Pokot County. The objective of this study is to examine the influence of the institutions of the devolved system of governance in management of land use conflicts in West Pokot County. The study used consociational democracy theory as expounded by Arend Lijphart. The theory postulates that internal conflicts in divided countries are managed by the transfer of power and resources from national government to autonomous regional government to harness shared governance and self-governance through participation, inclusion and effective service delivery. The study used descriptive and explanatory research design to describe the characteristics, explain and predict the relationship between institutions of the devolved system of governance and management of land use conflicts in West Pokot County. Data was collected using questionnaire, interview schedules, focused discussion and observation. It was analyzed using SPSS and coding of themes and findings presented using tables, charts and narrations. The study found out that the design of institutions in the devolved system of governance is effective in management of land use conflicts in West Pokot County.



Kisii University


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