Publication: Environmental Degradation’s Effect on the Gains Made in SDG6
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Water is a vital limited resource for humanexistence, and the availability of adequate andsafe water ties strongly with the sustainabledevelopment concept. In the last 100 years, thedemand for water has increased six times andcontinues to grow at an annual rate of 1%(WWAP 2018). Sustainable Development Goal 6sets out to ensure availability and sustainablemanagement of water and sanitation for all.Water connects us all and is embedded in almostall the other SDGs, particularly those dealing withfood, energy, and the environment. It links theweb of the 17 SDGs and their 169 targets. Nolonger can water be addressed as a separate ele-ment in isolation from the other goals. But thisinterconnectedness has important implications. Itmeans that the Water Goal will only be achieved ifthe other goals are attained, and in turn, that otherSDGs will only be achieved if the water goal isattained (Ait-Kadi 2016).
Egerton University