Publication: Molecular Characterization and Diversity of Bacteria Isolated from Fish and Fish Products Retailed in Kenyan Markets
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Fish products are highly vulnerable to microbial contamination due to their soft tissues, making them perishable and harmful to
consumers. The clinical and subclinical infections reported by fish consumers are mainly associated with pathogenic
microorganisms in fish products. Therefore, this study aimed at establishing the molecular profiles and diversity of the
bacterial isolates from fish and fish products obtained from Kirinyaga County markets in Kenya. A total of 660 samples were
randomly sampled in six Kirinyaga County markets and transported to Kenyatta University for bacterial isolation. The fish
skin surface was cut using a sterile knife and blended in buffered peptone water. The blended product was serially diluted and
plated on nutrient agar. After 24 hours, the bacteria cultures were subcultured to obtain pure bacterial isolates. The pure
isolates were grouped and characterized based on their morphology and biochemical characteristics. One representative of each
group was selected for bacterial DNA extraction. The 16S rRNA gene was amplified using the 27F and 1492R primers, and the
obtained PCR product was subjected to Sanger-based sequencing using the same primers. Morphological characterization
yielded 54 morpho groups. Phylogenetic analysis revealed diverse bacterial strains, including Escherichia coli, Salmonella
enterica, Citrobacter freundii, Bacillus sp. and Alcaligenes faecalis. Bacillus sp. was the most dominant group, as compared to
other isolates in the study. The study, therefore, revealed diverse bacterial strains from the fish products. This high microbial
diversity calls for heightened surveillance to prevent possible foodborne disease outbreaks.
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute