Knowledge and Awareness Determinants of Renewable Energy Technologies: A Cross Sectional Study of Rural Residents from Njoro Constituency, Nakuru County, Kenya

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IOSR Journal of Environmental Science Toxicology and Food Technology

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Kimani, M. N., Makindi, S. M., & Aboud, A. A. (2020). Knowledge and Awareness Determinants of Renewable Energy Technologies: A Cross Sectional Study of Rural Residents from Njoro Constituency, Nakuru County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science Toxicology and Food Technology.


Background:Awareness to renewable energy technologies (RET) can have multiple positive effects as it can be a precursor to greater RET adoption levels as well as promotion of the same. The aim of this study was to assess the level of awareness of rural residents of Njoro constituency to the different renewable energy technologiesas a precursor to their adoption. Materials and Methods: The study was based on primary data collected through personal interviews with household heads in Njoro constituency, Nakuru County, Kenya. Two stage cluster random sampling was used to select the 200 households. The results showed that majority of the respondents exhibited a moderate level of knowledge and awareness to RETs. Results:Results of the study indicated that gender and education level had a significant effect on knowledge and awareness. It was also found that age and social-economic status did not have significant effect on the knowledge and awareness. Conclusion:The overall finding of the study underlined the high importance in strengthening communication to enhance knowledge and awareness of renewable energy technologies. The findings of this study will be significant to planners, policy makers, researchers and individuals to build the case for proactive promotion of RETS. Key Word:Knowledge and awareness; renewable energy technologies; rural househol



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