Publication: Work environment and the performance of forest rangers in South West Mau Forest, Kenya
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East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology
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The objective of this research was to evaluate and understand how the working
environment of Kenya Forest Service (KFS) forest rangers affects their
performance. The rangers, under the Enforcement and Compliance Division
(ENCOM) of KFS are mandated to implement the enforcement of laws and
policies pertaining to forests and its allied resources as prescribed in the Kenya
Forest Act of 2005. Qualitative research approach was employed in the data
collection using structured questionnaires in four forest stations. From a
population of 46 rangers, 32 rangers, 8 serving in each of the three forest stations
(Londiani, Masaita, and Sorget) of Kericho Zone, Mau complex and the Kericho
Ecosystem Conservetor’s Office were sampled randomly. A pre-tested
questionnaire on demographic trends, duration of service, work environment
variables constituting of remuneration, living conditions, motivation, appraisals,
rewards, empowerment, communication, work tools, mobility, uniforms,
challenges and personal life were administered in January 2016. The
performance indicators gave dissatisfaction rates of 59% and 63% in most of the
parameters tested. Comparison of the finding of this study with the findings of
the surveys of 2010 and 2013 in different conservancies in Kenya gave an index
of 51.4% and 56.74% satisfaction respectively. The results therefore denote a
progressive correlation between the working conditions drivers and the
performance of forest rangers. Kenya Forest Service under ENCOM Division
has a responsibility and large task to improve the working conditions and
environment of the rangers. No matter how efficient conservation and
regeneration programs may be undertaken while enforcement lags the
cumulative performance of the entire process shall ever record dismal
performance. More radical measures must be undertaken to enhance the
performance and productivity of rangers through motivation, improve both their
intrinsic and extrinsic working environment. KFS must as well acknowledge
that low employee satisfaction rates shall ever incapacitate the forest rangers’
ENCOM Division, Forest Rangers, Working Conditions, Working Performance