Effect of pond type on physicochemical parameters , phytoplankton diversity and primary production in , Kisii , Kenya

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George, A., Albert, G., & James, N. (2018). Effect of pond type on physicochemical parameters , phytoplankton diversity and primary production in , Kisii , Kenya. Semantic Scholar.


The study was conducted to establish the effect of pond type on physicochemical parameters, phytoplankton diversity and primary production in three different types of fish ponds: liner, earthen and concrete at Kegati Kisii, Kenya. The study was conducted from the month of June 2015 to the month of November 2015. Phytoplankton diversity index was calculated by Shannon Wiener index. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. There was a significant difference in temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH and Secchi depth in the three ponds (ANOVA; p<0.05). There was no significant difference in nutrients measured in the three types of ponds (ANOVA; P˃0.05). In liner ponds Coelomoron mierostoldes species was dominant while Anabaena flos-aquae were dominant in earthen pond while Microcystis aeruginosa was dominant in concrete pond. Liner pond had higher Shannon Wiener index 3.418, earthen pond 3.0439 and concrete pond 1.6414.



Kisii University