Farmers’ Attitude On Different Watershed Management Practices: A Case of Tende and Kibuon Catchments in South West, Kenya

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Mulwale, C., Basweti, E., Ochola, W., & Maobe, S. (2020). Farmers’ Attitude On Different Watershed Management Practices: A Case of Tende and Kibuon Catchments in South West, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications.


Watershed degradation is an example of natural resource degradation that affects environment and food security negatively. Integrated Land and Watershed Management Project in Kibuon and Tende catchments (ILWMKTP) ran from 2009 to 2014. The programme focused on reduction of degradation by using soil and water conservation practices. The survey was carried out in Kisii, Nyamira and Homa Bay Counties which were purposively selected since they implemented the project. The study was an ex post facto research design which used cross sectional survey approach that applied qualitative and quantitative data collection procedures. The survey targeted a population of 9,475 respondents who implemented ILWMKTP project while the accessible population was 370 farmers who were proportionately selected through simple random method. The survey used a questionnaire and an interview schedule to collect data from farmers and key informants. A research tool was used to gather data on attitude farmers’ in terms of practices used to control watershed degradation. Data analysis was done using SPSS version 25. There were significant differences in levels of positive attitude on watershed management practices. Responses captured were rated on a five point likert scale and frequencies were run for respondents who agreed on positive statements on the practices and their percentages were between fifty one and seventy one percent. This implied that respondents had different levels of positive attitude on watershed management practices in the catchments.



Kisii University