Publication: Influence of multi-stakeholder linkages and practices on the adoption of technologies and innovations in lower Eastern Kenya
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The study is an assessment of how the factors related to multi-stakeholder linkages and
practices (MSLIAD) influence the adoption of Gadam sorghum technologies and practices
by farmers in six sub-counties in lower eastern Kenya where past public-private-partnership
development initiatives have been implemented. The factors studied included: (i) farmers’
attitude towards MSLIAD, (ii) prevailing policies, (iii) coordination of stakeholders
in production and provision of services, (iv) competition among the stakeholders, (v)
information sharing among the stakeholders, and (vi) collective action in access to markets.
Stratified random sampling was used to select 165 household heads who were interviewed
using a structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using both descriptive and inferential
statistics. Significant (p <.05) negative influences were found to exist between the MSLIAD
factors and the adoption of technologies and practices by the farmers. Strong linkages
between research, policy and practice were found necessary to enhance technology
adoption. Further, existing linkages should be clearly defined for proper coordination of
information sharing and feedback across all communication levels.
Eastern Kenya, feedback, information sharing, research-policy-practice, strong linkages, technology and innovation adoption