An Evaluation Of Farmers’ Perceptions Of And Adaptation To The Effects Of Climate Change In Kenya

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Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Department of Economics and Finance

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Ndambiri, H. K., Ritho, C. N., & Mbogoh, S. G. (2013). An Evaluation Of Farmers’ Perceptions Of And Adaptation To The Effects Of Climate Change In Kenya. Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Department of Economics and Finance.


The study was carried out to evaluate how farmers in Kyuso District have perceived and adapted to climate change. Data was collected from 246 farmers from six locations sampled out through a multistage and simple random sampling procedure. The Heckman probit model was fitted to the data to avoid sample selection bias since not every farmer who may perceive climate change responds by adapting. The analysis revealed that 94% of farmers in Kyuso District had a perception that climate was changing and as a result, 85% of these farmers had responded by adapting. In this regard, age of the household head, gender, education, farm experience, household size, distance to the nearest market, access to irrigation water, local agro-ecology, on and off farm income, access to information on climate change through extension services, access to credit, changes in temperature and precipitation were found to have significant influence on the probability of farmers to perceive and/or adapt to climate change. With the level of perception to climate change being more than that of adaptation, the study suggests that more policy efforts should be geared towards helping farmers to adapt to climate change.



climate change, perceptions, adaptation, Heckman model, Kyuso District.


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