Publication: The challenge of value addition in the seafood value chain along the Kenyan north coast
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The general objective of this study was to identify the challenges faced in the process of adding value in
the sea food supply chain along the Kenyan coast, with particular interest on fish, and propose sustainable solutions to these challenges. This study looks closely at the key value chain activities that characterize the sea food industry along the Kenyan coastline with the view of establishing their completeness
and efficiency. It further identifies the gaps that exist in the chain and recommends measures that can
be implemented to improve the chains. To achieve this objective the researchers identified the value
chain activities that characterize the seafood industry in Kenya with specific reference to the Kenyan
coastline and analyzed the gaps and challenges that exist in the value chain. The study has gone further
to develop recommendations on policy and non-policy mitigation options to the value chain gaps and
challenges that have been identified. Information gathered and the recommendations thereof will help
to create a more complete and efficient chain and, therefore, optimize the economic as well as social
benefits of the seafood industry to the country.
Review paper
value addition, sea food, fish, supply chain, value chain