Pushed Or Pulled? Factors That Influence Students’ Choice to Study Food and Beverage Management Program

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International Journal of Education and Research

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Kinyua, C., & Burugu, R. W. (2017). Pushed Or Pulled? Factors That Influence Students’ Choice to Study  Food and Beverage Management Program. International Journal of Education and Research.


An individual’s career path depends on the choice of the program one chooses to study in college. The choice is influenced by many factors which may push or pull the student to settling for a particular program. Some students may choose a study program as a result of personal benefits it brings while others may settle for it because circumstances have forced them to do so. This paper examined factors that influence students’ choice to study food and beverage management program which leads to a career in the hospitality industry. The target population for the study was students studying FBM program. Questionnaires were administered to a purposely chosen sample of 120 students from four selected colleges in Eldoret Town. The results showed that although students were to some extent pressured to pursue the FBM program, the ultimate reason behind their choice was the attraction they felt for the industry.




Hospitality industry, Career decision, Career choice, Push factors, Pull factors, Study program
