Environmental impact assessment of risk associated with groundwater overdraft remediation in cone of depression, Jining, China

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Ong’or, B., Shu, L., & Liu, P.-G. (2007). Environmental impact assessment of risk associated with groundwater overdraft remediation in cone of depression, Jining, China. Springer.


In this paper, a simple scenario and probabilistic approach is used to assess the potential groundwater risk due to proposedoverdraft remedial actions in cone of depression, Jining City, China. Focusing on the concentrations of Chloride ions (Cl−) and total hardness (TH), the impact of artificial recharge and reduced pumping on groundwater quality and quantity is analysedby using the three-dimensional finite difference groundwater flow and transport model, Visual MODFLOW, to simulate groundwaterflow and transport within the study area based on scenarios, and utilizes SURFER software to map risk levels. Although 5,10 or 15% reduced pumping with artificial recharge leads to more decrease in Cl− and TH concentrations than the 25%, less volume increase is achieved for the remediation of land subsidence and other environmentalproblems in the cone of depression. The Cl− concentrations in recovered groundwater are within the desired concentration of 200mg/l; however, TH in some cases are abovethe maximum permissible limit of 500mg/l, with an exceedence probability of about 0.67 for recharge and recharge with reducedpumping at 25%. The presence of fractures and hydrogeological complexity greatly determines impacts of remediation, and the22% reduced pumping with artificial recharge offers an optimum strategy for overdraft remediation in the Jining cone of depression.



College of Water Resources and Environment, Hohai University

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